Silver Surfer: Parables Part 1, Cover in b&w
Dec. 20, 2022
Silver Surfer: Parables
Part 1
Issue #1
Cover Production Transparency
in b&w
Cover Date: March, 1989
Writer - Stan Lee
Inker, Colorer, Penciler - Mobius
Mobius' take on The Silver Surfer?
Dope... but what did you expect from a Taurus who holds that his drawings come as traces left by emotion?
The David/Goliath positioning always reminds me of Frank Miller's April 1982 Daredevil 181 cover... the one w/Electra vs. Bullseye psi fighting w/a giant, pink Daredevil superimposed in the background:
Derivative? Well, so is everything since they painted iron oxide & hematite stags on the cave walls at Grotte de Lascaux. More importantly: Mobius' SS looks great facing off against his former-master, Galactus. I'm not scared of you anymore!
Stan may've lent this rag his name and a story, but the cover rings out 30 years later because Jean Giraud wedged this 8.5" x 11" rendering of dramatic lines into the deep recesses of our collective group consciousness. Brainwashed!
Viewing this in b&w basic is a great way to access the elemental geometry of the ur-genius, circa late 1988. Chef kiss, Mobius.
Thx for spending time on our passion. Like it? Let us know. If you want one, they run $450 USD plus s&h. Contact us w/questions, feedback.
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The Uncanny X-Men #295, p.19 b&w
Dec. 20, 2022
The Uncanny X-Men
Page19 Production Transparency
in b&w
December, 1992
Writer - Scott Lobdell
Penciler - Brandon Peterson
Inker - Terry Austin
Colorer - Joe Rosas
Leterrer - Chris Eliopoulos
If 90's kewl-style is your bag, then the 15 issue crossover X-Cutioner's Song was you all over.
Polybags? Check.
With collectible trading cards that were visual exposition devices for the "secret" contents of a CD-ROM that Bishop found in Stryfe's HQ, gave to Prof X, who later - instead of sharing it - destroys it? Check.
Did one of those polybag Trading Cards serve as Holocaust's first appearance??? Check!!!
In all, this greed-induced "crossover event" exacted our blood money for four different Uncanny X-Men, four X-Force, three X-Factor, three X-Men (vol. 2), and one stand-alone called "Stryfe's Strike File." You made too many! Pigs!!
This particular page? It's from the 5th book in the crossover. Gambit's trying to find out about the Mutant Liberation Front. Exposition!
Here's why this page is of merit:
Brandon Peterson's pencilwork is superb. This was the pinnacle of his short-but-eventful Uncanny run. His Gambit is the Gambit I see in my mind's eye when the character's name is spoken. The Ace of Spades!!!
Here, stripped down and presented in pencil b&w basic, all the strokes show. He might not have been as prolific as other kewl-style artists (We're looking at you, Infinity-Warring Lim!) , but his tiny little slashes harnessed light vs. shadow, making them Peterson's plaything. Well done, Brandon.
Thx for spending time on our passion. Like it? Let us know. If you want one, they run $450 USD plus s&h. Contact us w/questions, feedback.
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